Level 1

Madame Bovary

Charles is a doctor.

He marries a woman chosen by his mother.

The woman dies.

Then, Charles marries Emma.

Emma is the daughter of a farmer.

She loves books.

She wants to live a life full of pleasures.

Emma and Charles live in a small village called Yonville.

Emma gets bored quickly.

Emma and Charles have a daughter.

Their daughter is called Berthe.

Emma wants more romance.

Charles is kind but very simple.

Emma dreams of

– parties,

– clothes,

– and love.

Emma meets a man named Rodolphe.

He is

– rich,

– handsome,

– and charming.

Rodolphe seduces Emma.

They have a secret affair.

Rodolphe promises to go with her.

But he leaves her.

Emma is sad.

She falls very sick.

Then, Emma meets Léon.

Léon is a young law clerk.

He loves books and art.

Emma and Léon become friends.

They have an affair.

But he leaves her.

Emma starts spending a lot of money.

She buys many things:

– clothes,

– furniture,

– and gifts.

She borrows money.

She has a lot of debts.

Emma cannot pay her debts.

Emma becomes desperate.

She asks Rodolphe and Léon for help.

They refuse.

Emma is desperate.

She takes poison.

She dies in pain.

Charles is devastated.

He dies soon after.

Berthe is now alone.

She goes to live with a poor relative.

She has a hard life without her parents.