Level 1

The Strange Friend of Tito Gil

Tito Gil is a young man.

His family make shoes and their most important customer is the Count of Rionuevo. 

Tito’s mother dies.

The Count invites Tito to his palace.

He meets Elena of Monteclaro.

The Count dies and the Countess hates Tito.

She asks him to leave.

Tito wants to see Elena again.

He goes to church, but Elena is with the Countess.

She humiliates Tito.

Tito is very sad.

He wants to drink poison, but someone stops him.

Tito sees a dark person.

The person says he is Death.

He wants to help Tito be happy.

Tito accepts Death as his friend.

Tito goes to visit Philip V, a king.

Philip was king of Spain, but now his son is the king.

Philip’s son is ill.

Tito can tell when the son will die because he is a friend of Death.

The king sends Tito to Madrid.

Death tells Tito how to predict people’s deaths.

He sees Elena and the Countess of Rionuevo.

Death tells Tito that the king has one day to live.


Death tells Tito that the Countess will die.

Death says that Tito is the son of the Count of Rionuevo.

The Countess hates him for it.

Tito sits next to the Countess.

He tells her that he forgives her.

The Countess gives Tito some documents.

They say he is the son of the Count.

Tito marries Elena and they move to the countryside.

Tito is afraid of Death because he is very happy.

Death appears and is angry with Tito because he is a bad friend.

Death invites Tito to his house.

Tito and Death get into a chariot made of bones and they fly around the world.

They reach Death’s house.

Death tells Tito that he died 600 years in the past, drinking the poison, and Elena died of sadness.

Elena asks God to save Tito.

Tito’s experience saves him.

Elena and Tito’s spirits live happily forever in Heaven.