Level 1

Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe is an English man.
In 1651, he goes on a boat trip.
The ship sinks.
All crew members survive.

One day Robinson is on a ship.
Pirates attack the ship.
Crusoe becomes a slave during two years.
During a fishing trip, he escapes from the ship with another slave.

He encounters a Portuguese ship.
Robinson Crusoe sails to Brazil.
He lives in Brazil during 4 years.
He is a sugar plantation owner.

During a sea travel, there is a storm.
Robinson is the only survivor.
He arrives on a deserted island on September 30, 1659.

Robinson Crusoe saves supplies from the shipwreck.
He discovers that the island is uninhabited.

He builds a camp where he can live.​

Every day ​

  • he hunts​
  • he builds his cave​
  • he finds new supplies.

Crusoe explores the island.
He finds useful plants and crops.
He also builds a second home and improves his cave.

Robinson creates new clothes from goat skins.

He domesticates goats.
The goats provide him with meat, butter and cheese.

Robinson Crusoe discovers a human footprint on the beach.
He is afraid that the natives from the mainland may find him.

Robinson Crusoe discovers a beach.
The beach is covered with bones and remains of human bodies.
In fact, the natives are cannibals.

Robinson Crusoe helps a captive escape from the cannibals.
He names him Friday.

Friday becomes the servant of Robinson Crusoe.
Crusoe teaches Friday English and Christianity.

Robinson and Friday rescue two captives from the natives.
They are a Spanish survivor from a shipwreck and the father of Friday.

Later, English sailors are victims of a mutiny.
They arrive on the island.

Crusoe and Friday help the captain retake the ship.
The captain rescues them from the island to thank them.

Robinson Crusoe returns to England after 35 years.
He discovers that most of his family is dead.
He also learns that he is rich thanks to his plantation in Brazil.

Robinson Crusoe visits his island again.