Level 2

The Strange Friend of Tito Gil

Young Tito Gil came from a family of shoemakers with a wealthy customer, the Count of Rionuevo. His mother died in 1703. At his fourteen, the Count brought him to his palace. He met Duke´s daughter Elena there and he fell in love.

Unfortunately, the Count died and the Countess told him to leave the palace. Tito decided to become a shoemaker again with an elderly woman from his old neighbourhood.

After two years, Tito discovered that Elena had returned from France. It was his chance to see her again. But the Countess didn´t let him.

Later, the elderly woman passed away. Tito was poor, homeless and lonely again so he didn´t want to live. He decided to drink the poison in his pocket. A voice stopped him: “Friend! Wait!”.

Tito saw a dark shadow in black. His name was Death and offered Tito help and friendship. Death offered Tito to become wealthy and live happily with Elena.

Death teaches Tito many subjects such as chemistry, geology, astronomy, etc.

Tito goes to visit the former king, Philip V.

Philip from Spain left the throne for his son. His nephew Louis XV had the crown of France. His son became ill.

Tito visited Philip and offered to tell him the exact moment of Louis I´s death in exchange of a job and money.  Tito introduced himself as Death´s friend and convinced the king. Then, he went to Madrid.

When he arrived at the palace, Death explained him how to predict death. He saw Elena and the Countess near the King. Death informed Tito that his majesty would die the next day. Tito answered Philip V´s questions.

As Death approached to the Countess, Tito understood that she would die in three hours, she started to feel unwell.

Later, Death revealed that Tito was the son of the Count of Rionuevo. But the Countess hid this.

When Tito sat next to the Countess, she thought that he was trying to kill her. Tito pitied her and helped her die peacefully. He forgave her. The Countess felt peace and told him where the documents about his family were and she passed away.  Finally, Tito could marry Elena now.

The following day, Tito married Elena. Finally, he had everything he wanted. He desired never to see Death again. So, they moved to the countryside.

Suddenly, a long black shadow appeared in front of Tito.

Death started to travel by a carriage made out of bones with Tito around the world. The final destination of their journey was the North Pole.

When they arrived, the year was 2316 and it was 600 years after Tito´s death. Tito was dead after he drank the poison and Elena died of grief. Elena rose to Heaven and asked God to give Tito a second chance to be with him. Finally, the spirits of Tito and Elena entered the Promised Land, to forever live in happiness.